Wow this week was super packed with things that are going on here! On Monday I went to Balzar for an interchange, the most far sector in our zone about an hour and a half, and it was really interesting to work there. Their sector is half jungle and half city, and the jungle part looked almost exactly like the huts in The Other Side of Heaven. It was definitely an adventure for two days, but not something I would like to have be my sector for 6 months like Elder Brown (another Elder that works there.) I even managed to find a Book of Mormon in Quitchua, the native language of Peru there, so that was awesome!
And then Wednesday and Thursday I was working in the sector of our zone leaders while they were doing a split with Elder Lizana because he`s the district leader. So I only really got to work with our investigators for Friday and Saturday. It made the week seem both fast and slow, because It was interesting to work with some of the other members of the zone, and at the same time it was a little stresfull to think about everything happening in my sector while I was gone.
And then Sunday night at about 11 pm we got a call that said Elder Lizana had a transfer! We left here at about 8 in the morning to go to Guayaquil and pick up my new comp. His name is Elder Medina, and he is going home on March 10th. That must seem so soon. He was born here in Ecuador, but he lived in Utah for 7 years and speaks English flawlessly as well. That will be such a help with spanish!
Dad, that`s so awesome about your Spanish practice! You are really dedicated to learning! I`ve also found that there is no substitute to actually speaking. Something you can do as well is dedicate maybe 30 minutes to an hour a day where you don`t speak in English any word that you know in Spanish. That`s something they taught us in the MTC.
Mom, I`m sure your talk was amazing, and Dad told me how he was very spiritual inspired, so I`m sure you did a great job. =) You are such a support to the sisters in our stake!
I`m glad Jacob is taking the initiative with dating, and I`m sure he`ll have a fun time. I think the Advil is a great idea!
Sorry for writing so little this week, We just don`t have any time because of the 5 hours of traveling we`ve had to do today! But remember that you guys are always in my hearts and prayers.
All my love,
Elder Hales =)
Gloria's baptism |
The Guayaquil Temple at Christmas |
a monegote they burn on New Year's Eve |
a Pink Panther monegote |
The elders thought this monegote looked like Jonathan so they put Jonathan's name tag on him. |
Looks like he is doing amazing!!